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Dr. Zia Abbas and his students Arpan Jain, A V Pullela and  Ashfakh Ali  have published  a paper on A High PSRR Technique Based on 180º Phase Shift Biasing for Low Power Temperature Sensors at the 34th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design (SBCCI-2021), Campinas, Brazil from 23 – 27 August. 

Research work as described by the authors: The paper presents a low-cost method (no extra LDO, Op-amp) to increase the PSRR of the composite pair-based temperature sensors. Composite pair is a commonly used circuit to generate a linear PTAT voltage for a wide temperature range. A 180° phase shift, voltage biasing technique is introduced at the gate of the NMOS transistor to obtain a supply independent bias current in the composite pair. The proposed technique thus achieves a high supply noise rejection. The circuit as a whole does not require additional circuitry, therefore it saves power and area. A 6μW Temperature sensor with 1mV/°C slope is designed in TSMC 180nm technology and achieves PSRR of -80dB. Post-layout simulation results show that the temperature sensor achieves inaccuracy of ±0.1°C from -55°Cto 125°C, PSRR of -80dB at 105Hz and -70dB at 200kHz at 1V power supply, and the line regulation of 0.016%/V in a supply voltage range of 1V to 2.5V. Monte-Carlo simulation result for the output PSRR shows -80.56dB as the mean-value with a maximum deviation of ±1:5dB. 

SBCCI is an international forum dedicated to integrated circuits and systems design, test and electronic design automation (EDA), held annually in Brazil.

More details at: https://sbmicro.org.br/chip-in-the-fields-2021/SBCCI2021