Salaka Lakshmi Narasimha Sastry, supervised by Prof. Pradeep Kumar R received his Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Seismic Vulnerability
Assessment of Existing RC Buildings in Vijayawada city:
About 57% of the land area in India lies within the moderate-to-severe seismic zone, where approximately 80% of the population resides. Consequently, a substantial proportion of India’s buildings are at risk due to seismic hazard and building stock in seismically active regions. The pre-earthquake safety assessment of the built environment plays a crucial role in mitigating damage and losses by identifying structures that are susceptible to earthquakes and implementing suitable measures to minimise their impact. The process of rapid visual screening (RVS) plays a vital role in evaluating the seismic vulnerability and potential risks of existing buildings in urban areas. The preservation and safety of existing buildings assume greater significance as urban areas undergo continuous growth and expansion. The Rapid Visual Survey (RVS) is a crucial instrument used to identify structures that necessitate more comprehensive assessment and potential retrofitting in order to improve their ability to withstand seismic activity.
In the present study, a total of 15 reinforced concrete framed buildings of above 10 Mtrs. height were selected randomly from nearly 6 different locations in Vijayawada city falling in Seismic Zone III. Studies for Rapid Visual Assessments as well as detailed assessment were conducted and the results of both assessments are discussed.
February 2024