Minaxi Goel, MS by research student, Cognitive Science Lab working under the supervision of Dr. Priyanka Srivastava presented the following research works in various online research events:
- Presented a group project on, Can mentalizing interacting shapes lead to empathy in humans? at Computational Neuroscience Summer School, organised by Neuromatch Academy from 13 – 31 July. The other team members were Varad Srivastava, M.S. Computer Science, BHU; Sanil Shrestha, A.I. Research Intern, NAAMII, Nepal and Suraj Joshi, Final year ECE under-grad, Nepal. Their project was mentored by Dr. Laura Mikula and Dr. Marlene Cohen with guidance from teaching assistant Mehul Rastogi. More details at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSeQvp-rpTE
- Participated online in the Monsoon Brain Meeting workshop from 23 – 26 June.
- Participated in 1st Computational Neuroscience Lab (CNSL) Virtual Meet 2020, IIT Madras from 15 – 16 August.