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Research by Minaxi Goel, Cognitive Science Lab

Minaxi Goel, MS by research student, Cognitive Science Lab working under the supervision of Dr. Priyanka Srivastava presented the following research works in various online research events:

  • Presented a group project on, Can mentalizing interacting shapes lead to empathy in humans? at Computational Neuroscience Summer School, organised by Neuromatch Academy from 13   – 31    July. The other team members were Varad Srivastava, M.S. Computer Science, BHU; Sanil Shrestha, A.I. Research Intern, NAAMII, Nepal and Suraj Joshi, Final year ECE under-grad, Nepal.  Their project was mentored by  Dr. Laura Mikula and Dr. Marlene Cohen with guidance from teaching assistant Mehul Rastogi. More details at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSeQvp-rpTE
  • Participated online in the Monsoon Brain Meeting workshop from 23 – 26 June.
  • Participated in 1st Computational Neuroscience Lab (CNSL) Virtual Meet 2020, IIT Madras from 15 – 16 August.