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R&D showcase 2021

IIIT Hyderabad’s annual R&D showcase was conducted on 6 March in an entirely virtual format. The event was a great opportunity for the general public to interact with faculty and students and understand their work in more tangible forms through demos, prototypes and presentations in keeping with the institute’s endeavour to promote applied research that benefits society.





Currently in its 20th edition, the event has grown from strength year–on-year and attracts more than 3,000 visitors from research, academia, media and industry. This year’s virtual research expo  featured IIITH’s 22 research centres, 300+ research demos and an inaugural keynote by Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Institute Professor, IIT Madras.


This year’s showcase   also presented research from IIITH’s Kohli Centre of Intelligent Systems (KCIS), the recently launched Smart City Research Centre set up in collaboration with MEITY (Government of India), Smart City Mission and Government of Telangana, as well as Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Centre (INAI) that has been working on applying AI to population scale problems in the Indian context, combining research and translation in collaboration with Intel and Govt of Telangana.








Commenting on R&D Showcase 2021, Prof. P J Narayanan, Director, IIITH said, While we will miss the in-person interaction with visitors from other educational institutions and industry, students have enthusiastically adapted to the new virtual format and are excited to showcase their research and the positive impact of technology on society to an even larger borderless audience.

The virtual Showcase is viewable at https://portal-rndshowcase.iiit.ac.in