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Ratha Saptami – 2024

On the auspicious occasion of Ratha Saptami, Yoga Acharya Srilakshmi conducted a special session of Surya Namaskarasan for the campus community at Felicity ground on the morning of 16 February. 21 rounds of Surya Namaskars were done by all the participants to connect with the divine energy of the sun.

Ratha Saptami is symbolically represented in the form of the sun-god Surya turning his ratha (chariot) drawn by seven horses (representing the seven colours) towards the northern hemisphere, in a north-easterly direction. It also marks the birth of Surya and is hence also celebrated as Surya Jayanti.

Ratha Saptami is also symbolic of the change of season to spring and the start of the harvesting season. For most Indian farmers, it is an auspicious beginning of the New Year. 

Pictures and Videos Ratha Saptami Yoga Event



February 2024