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Psychological First AID

Ms. Tanusree Mustafi gave an online talk on Psychological First AID on 9 October as part of the Community Well-being series organized by the Campus Mental Health and Wellbeing team. Sessions have been planned for the 2021 monsoon semester. 

Psychological First Aid is an initial disaster response intervention with the goal of promoting safety, stabilize survivors of disasters and connect individuals to help and resources. PFA is delivered to affected individuals by mental health professionals and other first responders. The purpose of PFA is to assess the immediate concerns and needs of an individual in the aftermath of a disaster, and not to provide on-site therapy. 

Ms. Tanusree Mustafi is an experienced mental health practitioner with multi-faceted training in Clinical Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, and Special Education. She offers neuroscience-based, trauma-focused, and queer affirmed psychotherapy. She has done her M.Phil from National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (NIEPID), Hyderabad. Over a decade of practice, she worked in both the Disability and Mental Health fields. Her interest is in creating an inclusive community environment where humans thrive. She has her own practice now, providing psychotherapy in both online and offline mode. She can be reached out at begin.must@gmail.com. Her website is https://www.begin.must.co.in/


Those in need can approach the following Campus Mental Health and Wellbeing team members: 

  • Dr. Priyanka Srivastava – Faculty Coordinator –  email: priyanka.srivastava@iiit.ac.in & mentalhealth@iiit.ac.in
  • Dr. Kiranmayi Bapi – Campus Counsellor – email: counsellor@iiit.ac.in
  • Dr. Chytanya Deepak P – Campus Psychiatrist email: psychiatrist@iiit.ac.in
  • Ms. Chanda Alekhya – Campus Counsellor – email: alekhya.patel96@gmail.com