Prof. Ashok Kumar Das is serving as one of the Guest Editor(s) in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Wiley-Hindawi journal: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (2018 SCI Impact Factor: 1.396) for the special issue on “Attacks, Challenges, and New Designs in Security and Privacy for Smart Mobile Devices.” The other guest editors are Ding Wang, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA and Weizhi Meng, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
More details at :
Prof. Das is also serving as a member of Technical Program Committee (TPC) chair(s) in Springer International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (ACN’20) from 14 – 17 October 2020 in Chennai. The other members of TPC Chairs are Jemal H. Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia, Rajendra Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA and Axel Sikora, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany.
More details at :