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Prakash Borpatra Gohain presents paper at GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore

Prakash Borpatra Gohain, an MS by Research ECE student presented a paper on “Evidence theory based cooperative energy detection under noise uncertainty” at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2017. The conference was held in Singapore last month. His research was supervised of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Assistant Professor, SPCRC, and Prof. Visa Koivunen from Aalto University, Finland.

Prakash’s research proposed a novel and improved spectrum sensing scheme for cognitive radios, in next generation wireless communication systems. His work was supported by grants from Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (DST), IIIT-H and IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Society, Hyderabad section.

IEEE GLOBECOM is one of IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences dedicated to driving innovation in all aspects of communications. The best proposals are selected from
more than 3,000 submissions, in the form of technical papers, tutorials, workshops and industry sessions. The conference was attended by the world’s leading academicians, researchers and industrialists and provided an excellent platform to interact with pioneers in the field of communications.