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OSA Advanced Photonics Congress

Mariya Wani working under the supervision of  Dr. Syed Azeemuddin presented a paper on Optoelectronic Oscillator (OEO) designs: Wide-range tunable Silicon Microring resonator design and Low-noise High frequency Optical Mix Oscillator design at the  OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021 from 26  – 30 July. Research work as described by the authors: 

 The use of low-noise and high-frequency microwave sources has many applications be it radar, wireless communications, or modern instrumentation. However, recent advancements in microwave photonics having integration and compatibility with CMOS technology has paved the way for future RF devices that can provide low noise and facile fabrication at a much lower cost. Our work demonstrates the potential of fully integrated OEO (optoelectronic Oscillator) systems in a single chip which is a huge technological leap as compared to its analog counterparts, which are much larger in size. We have successfully designed a) 49.2 GHz silicon add-drop ring as a microwave photonic band-pass filter in an optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) system, where wide-range tuning can be done depending on the delay applied, and b) 60.1 GHz OEO system using Frequency Mixing in Ring Resonators (RR). Further, 60.1 GHz OEO designed has achieved phase noise compared to its analog counterparts. However, this phase noise can further be improved depending on the fabrication platform used in the Photonic integrated circuits technology. Moreover, other elements like photo-detectors for optical to electrical conversions can be fabricated in the CMOS lines in future work. Our study elucidates two designs for the generation of Microwaves using Photonic Integrated Circuit technology. 

The motivation behind our study is the use of low noise circuitry and to show the potential of fully integrated optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) systems in a single chip which is a huge technological leap as compared to its analog counterparts.

The OSA Advanced Photonics Congress addressed the many aspects of photonic device research and development and their use in networks. Integrated photonic circuits and stand-alone components such as switches and modulators in silicon, lll-V, graphene and polymer material systems are covered, as well as nanophotonic and quantum devices and concepts. Novel materials such as metamaterials, plasmonic materials, and other specially designed materials and their potential use in devices are examined as well as advances in materials with optical gain, nonlinear optical materials, novel optical glasses and crystals and ceramics. The latest advances in optical interconnects, switching technologies, signal processing, photovoltaic solar cells, light emitting diodes and network virtualization were also presentation topics.

Conference link:  OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021