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oneM2M Industry Day

The 6th oneM2M Industry Day was held on 25th September 2019. It was hosted by Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) in partnership with India-EU Cooperation Project on ICT Related Standardisation, Policy and Legislation supported by IIIT Hyderabad and Sensorise Digital Services Pvt. Ltd. at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad. This Industry Day assumes particular significance as it is being held in the backdrop of India’s mission mode adoption of digital technologies to serve various national initiatives, including Digital India, Smart Cities etc. The Indian Govt. is keen to mandate standards for implementation of IoT/M2M-based systems and applications.

The workshop speakers were renowned subject matter experts drawn from TSDSI member organizations, oneM2M partnership project experts, Govt. of India, Regulatory and other stakeholder entities. Eminent speakers included Shri Jayesh Ranjan IAS – Principal Secretary to Government of Telangana, Shri Vipin Tyagi – Executive Director CDOT, Shri Benoit Suaveroche – First Counsellor ICT (EU delegation to India), Shri Enrico Scarrone – Chair oneM2M Steering Committee, Shri Roland Hechwartner – Chair oneM2M Technical Plenary, Shri Sharad Arora – Founder & Managing Director, Sensorise, Dr. Inder S. Gopal – IISc, Professor Ramesh Loganathan – IIIT Hyderabad. The event also featured live demonstrations of oneM2M implementations, including from CDOT, Chordant, Sensorise etc and IoT initiatives at IIIT. Event was attended by more than 80+ participants from industry, startups and academia from several different countries including Italy, Germany, US, France, China, Japan, Korea.

IIITH is a member of TSDSI, India’s telecom standards body. TSDSI also supports the Center of Excellence on IoT for Smart Cities. Hosts from IIITH side for this event were Prof. Ramesh Loganathan, Dr. Sachin Chaudhar, Dr. Aftab Hussain and Prof. Vishal Garg.

More information at https://tsdsi.in/event/onem2m-industry-day/