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Neuro-inspired Computation Course conducted by the International Research Centre for Neuro-intelligence (IRCN)

Sharon Varghese working under the supervision of Dr. Vinoo Alluri attended the course and presented a poster on Nature of Musical Preferences among autistic children at the Neuro-inspired Computation Course conducted by the International Research Centre for Neuro-intelligence (IRCN), University of Tokyo, Japan from 21 – 24 March.

The International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) was launched in 2017 to advance scientific progress at the boundary of neuroscience, computation, and artificial intelligence (AI) at The University of Tokyo.

The First IRCN Course in Neuro-Inspired Computation is designed for international researchers from diverse fields and backgrounds at the graduate student and postdoctoral career stages to learn about the latest advances in computational modeling of the brain and its use in developing new AI strategies and applications. The course is part of the interdisciplinary research activities of the center and students get the an opportunity to contribute to the generation of new synergistic collaborations and the establishment of the research field of “Neurointelligence” in science and society.