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National Librarian’s Day

On the occasion of National Librarian’s Day, IIITH Library organised a book exhibition for the IIITH community from 11 – 13 August. Leading book publishers and distributors such as Shah Book House, Hyderabad; Professional Book Service in collaboration with Feel Books, Bangalore; M/s Book Selection Centre, Hyderabad; Standard Book Company, Bangalore displayed both Indian and international edition books. Apart from academic books relating to the disciplines taught at IIITH, both Indian and internationally published books were on display. M/s. Akshara Book Shop, Hyderabad; M/s. Minds Book Stores, Hyderabad and the Navachetan Mobile Book Exhibition Van, had many titles on display relating to literature and general readings from around the world and the country in English, Hindi, and Telugu, works of celebrated Indian Scientists & Technologists, classics of literature, philosophy, and (fiction, non-fiction and general reading books). The book entitled “Different Epochs” written by IIITH alumnus, Late Mr. Vedant Kidambi was displayed by M/s. Akshara Book Shop, Hyderabad in the Book Exhibition.

Regarding academic books, the focus was on Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities. The exhibition had books from leading publishers like Taylor and Francis, CRC, Routledge, Springer, Elsevier, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, World Scientific, Wiley, Pearson, Orient Blackswan, American Mathematical Society, PACKT, Sage, Penguin, Hachett, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, Bloomsbury, Perment Black, Primus etc.

The aim of book exhibitions organised by the library was to help our academic community recommend additions to our collections. The book exhibitions also allow our community to add books to their personal collections, as well as help nurture the reading habit among all of us, especially the students. It also allowed our faculty and students to interact directly with different publishers and distributors. The library staff circulated the library brochure to the user community in the books exhibition

With more than 300 members of our community coming to the book exhibition, this provided a good platform for our community to interact with each other and share recommendations. The response was positive as many aspiring young readers including faculty were seen showing interest.

August 2023