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Named Data Networking (NDN) 

Dr. Ankit Gangwal is leading the global NDN testbed initiative at IIIT Hyderabad. IIIT Hyderabad is among the very few institutes from around the world to be a part of this initiative and this NDN node is up and fully functional. More  information is available at:

  • Node status: http://ndntestbed.iiit.ac.in/ and http://ndntestbed.iiit.ac.in/n/    
  • Global network: http://ndndemo.arl.wustl.edu/

 The Named Data Networking (NDN) project aims to develop a new Internet architecture that can capitalize on strengths — and address weaknesses — of the Internet’s current host-based, point-to-point communication architecture in order to naturally accommodate emerging patterns of communication. By naming data instead of their locations, NDN transforms data into a first-class entity. The current Internet secures the data container. NDN secures the contents, a design choice that decouples trust in data from trust in hosts, enabling several radically scalable communication mechanisms such as automatic caching to optimize bandwidth.