Mr. Sriram Jayasimha, Founder of Signion, and Adjunct faculty, IIITH gave a talk on Evolution of Satellite Communications on 30 September. Here is a summary of Mr. Sriram Jayasimha talk:
Satellite Communications has evolved since it was first used as a hotline during the Cold War to provide (in the near future) ubiquitous cell phone service. In this talk, Mr. Sriram Jayasimha outlined our journey in the satellite communications market, from designing modems (that, for example, were tolerant to high-phase noise of low-cost transmitters), achieving bandwidth efficiency, designing ultra-small aperture receivers, aperture combining, satellite-based de-colliding VHF receivers, and satellite-based phased arrays. Their work sometimes competed with and sometimes was complementary to global developments in satellite communications. While some of the developments addressed niche cost-saving applications, their latest foray has been to be a pioneer and market leader in NTN cellular phone service.
Sriram Jayasimha founded Hyderabad-based Signion in 1987 with a 37 year track record of IP creation and product design for the global telecommunications markets. From May 1981 to June 1987, Sriram was a member of the technical staff at GTE Government Systems Corp. in Needham, MA. He has been a consultant to Compusonics Corporation, Bharat Electronics Limited (Central Research Laboratory), and Aware Inc., Cambridge, MA. Since retiring from Signion in 2019, he is currently the Chief Scientist of AST Space Mobile, which plans to bring global connectivity to mobile phones using a constellation of large aperture satellites. He has authored 42 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications in an array of digital-signal-processing applications, including mobility, satellite communications, modem, VLSI, and instrumentation signal processing. A named inventor on 28 unique U.S. and other European, Japanese, Korean, and Australian patents, Sriram was a fellow of the Center of Advanced Engineering Study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his B.Tech and M.S degrees in electrical engineering from IIT Madras, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, respectively.
September 2024