Mr. Sandeep Gupta, Product Manager for TensorFlow at Google presented an Overview of TensorFlow and its ecosystem on 21 June. His talk included an overview of TensorFlow and how it is impacting Machine Learning, an introduction to its APIs, new features, product direction, and resources to get started. He also presented other core and add-on projects that are part of the TensorFlow ecosystem. The talk was followed by an open discussion and Q&A session. More than 225 participants attended the seminar.
Sandeep Gupta helps develop and drive the roadmap for TensorFlow (Google’s open-source library and framework for machine learning) for supporting machine learning applications and research. His current focus is on TensorFlow’s 2.0 release, improving TensorFlow’s usability and driving adoption in the community and enterprise, and on TensorFlow.js – a library bringing Machine Learning to JavaScript developers.
Prior to joining Google, Sandeep was the technology leader for advanced imaging and analytics research and development at GE Global Research with specific emphasis on medical imaging and healthcare analytics.