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MLL and CVIT present papers at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  (IJCAI-2019)

Faculty and students of Machine Learning Lab and Center for Visual Information Technology presented the following papers at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  (IJCAI-2019) in Macao, China from 10 – 16 August: 

  • Civic Crowdfunding for Agents with Negative Valuations and Agents with Asymmetric Beliefs,  Sankarshan Damle,  Moin Hussain Moti, Dr. Praphul Chandra (KoineArth, Bangalore), and Dr. Sujit Gujar
  • FaRM: Fair Reward Mechanism for Information Aggregation in Spontaneous Localized Settings, Moin Hussain Moti, Dr. Dimitris Chatzopoulos (Symlab, HKUST, Hong Kong, Dr. Pan Hui (Symlab, HKUST, Hong Kong) and Dr. Sujit Gujar
  • Learning Unsupervised Visual Grounding Through Semantic Self-Supervision, Syed Ashar Javed, Shreyas Saxena, Vineet Gandhi