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Mental health awareness series

The Mental Health and Well-Being team organised a series of five interactive sessions on mental health and well-being of students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first session on 26 May 2021 for first-year students as a part of VE program discussed the impact of the  pandemic on mental health and well-being, various mental health and well-being concerns, like what is healthy and unhealthy stress,  strategies and tools  to cope with it and seek help in case of persistent episodes, and how time management is related to individual wellbeing and mental health and strategies to organize time effectively. The series, ‘mental health awareness’, was planned in such a manner that every topic had two sessions, the first session started with Psychiatric perspective, which informed the audience about the biology and psychology of the mental health topic of the week, and the second session focused on counselling/ psychotherapy/ behavioural and cognitive therapy perspectives of the corresponding mental health issue. 

The series was conducted with the help of campus psychiatrist, Dr. Chyatnya, Asha Hospital; campus counsellors, Dr. Kiranmayi, founder of Building Bridges and Ms. Niyati Mishra, Counsellor from Apollo Life. The interactive sessions received a positive response from students and faculty. Participants shared their stories, concerns, and raised questions. In case the students were not satisfied with the response the Mental Health and Well-Being team personally approached them and bridged the gap.