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MoU renewed between University of Hyderabad and IIITH

IIITH and University of Hyderabad renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a period of 5 years on 19 March. The MoU was signed by Mr. P Sardar Singh, Registrar, UoH and Prof. R Pradeep Kumar, Registrar, IIITH in the presence of Prof. P J Narayanan, Director, IIITH, Prof. Arun Agarwal, Pro Vice Chancellor-1 and Acting Vice-Chancellor, UoH and Prof. B Raja Shekhar, Pro Vice Chancellor-2, UoH. Under this MoU, both the institutions have broadened the scope of collaboration in areas of teaching, credit transfer; research, including joint supervision of Ph.D; conferences/ seminars/ exhibitions/ symposia/ workshops/ training programmes; translational activity, product development and commercialization; business development specifically in innovation and entrepreneurship. Both the Institutions also agreed to extend their physical facilities for mutual benefits in accordance with the guidelines and rules of the respective Institutions.