Prof. R Pradeep Kumar’s external student, Mangesh Shendkar from IIT BHU received the best paper award for his work on Response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames by using different methods by the Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) Journal. Mangesh Shendkar received this award for the work he had done at IIITH under the supervision of Prof. R Pradeep Kumar. The Award will be presented at the Annual Awards Function at New Delhi in September.
Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) is one of the leading professional bodies in India, that caters to the professional needs of individuals and organizations involved in concrete. Being a non-profit organization, it is dedicated to the cause of disseminating knowledge on concrete, promoting concrete technology and construction and addressing the research needs of concrete. The genesis of ICI dates back to 1982, when SERC Chennai and Anna University jointly conducted an International Seminar on Modern Concrete Construction Practices. The overwhelming response to the seminar prompted the organizers to start the Indian Concrete Institute. Thus, ICI was born in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional centres. Since then ICI has grown in leaps and bounds. Today ICI is a strong professional body with more than 13,000 enrolled members, from 44 regional centres in all major cities, spread across the entire length and breadth of the country. Of these, more than 353 are organizational members. All segments of cement and concrete industries are widely represented in the membership. Website: