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International delegates from MANAGE visit IIIT-H

An international training program on Computer Applications in Agriculture under Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Program was organised during at National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad. Twenty three delegates representing Ministry of Agriculture and Allied Departments, Agricultural Universities Burundi, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Mongolia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tajikistan and Vietnam participated in the training program.

The program was inaugurated on 19 February at MANAGE, Hyderabad by Dr. P. J. Narayanan, Professor  and Director, IIIT- Hyderabad, Smt. V. Usha Rani, IAS Director General, MANAGE and Dr. Saravanan Raj, Director (Agricultural Extension). The main role of the training program is to equip policy makers, administrators, researchers and field level officials from different countries and strengthening their technical and economic capacity regarding the concerned theme.

As part of the training program, participants visited IIITH on 24 February to acquaint themselves on recent ICT related trends and technologies in the field of agriculture. They got a better understanding of the institute’s use of drones and IT for agriculture. Few of the participants were interested in exploring the possibility of using IIIT-H agri based technology in their respective areas. They were impressed with the research work being carried out in IT for Agricultural and Rural Development (ITARD), Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI) and Robotics Research Center (RRC).