Dr. Manik Gupta, Lecturer, Computer Science and Informatics division, London South Bank University (LSBU), London gave a talk on Making Sense of Urban Data: Experiences from Interdisciplinary Research Studies on 3 August. Her research areas are Data Science for IoT with focus on real world data collection and data quality issues, knowledge discovery from large sensor datasets, IoT data processing using time series data mining and distributed analytics, applications in environmental monitoring and well being.
Dr Gupta gave an overview about the different research projects she worked on during her research career, beginning with her Ph.D on air pollution monitoring, her first postdoc on wheelchair accessibility, and then onto her second postdoc on building energy management data, to her current successful research grants on ear protection in noisy environments. Finally, she summarized her learnings and future directions, guiding towards unlimited opportunities to make a difference to millions of lives in this very exciting new era of data and more data.