Prof. Petri Toiviainen from University of Jyväskylä gave a KCIS Invited talk on Machine Learning in Music Research on 19 February. Prof. Toiviainen has a background in physics, musicology, and is also a jazz pianist. His research interests are in the areas of music research, psychology, computational data analysis and systemic and cognitive neuroscience.
He is Director of the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research. He is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of systematic musicology, specializing in the modelling of music cognition and computational methods of music analysis. His research is applied in the context of music therapy, music education and in the playing of music. He has published several articles and given a number of keynote talks on these topics, and is an editorial board member of a number of journals. He is also a co-author of several widely used software tools for music analysis, including the MIDI Toolbox, the MIRToolbox, and the Motion Capture Toolbox.