Tarun Teja Kondraju and Dr. K S Rajan presented a paper on Excessive fertilizer usage drives agriculture growth but depletes water quality at Kyoto, Japan from 12 – 14 March. Recently, an increasing frequency of extreme climatic events has been observed. Hence there is concern that the impacts of global environmental change is increasing. It is reported that extreme weather such as strong typhoon, hurricanes, torrential rain, droughts and heat waves are taking places at various places in the world. These extreme weather caused by climate change are affecting to not only natural environment but also human environment.
On the other hand, vegetation is sensitive to climate change. From natural ecosystems to anthropic agricultural areas, vegetation is observable from space. A shift in climate dynamics is reflected in changes in ecosystems’ dynamic equilibrium, triggering a direct or indirect response in vegetation. Earth observation via remote sensing provides the ideal tool for Earth monitoring, and hence remote sensing plays a key role in Earth monitoring.
From these backgrounds, a this joint workshop was organized. The two working groups (WGs) focused on the fundamental researches and applications of remote sensing in the fields of Microwave Remote Sensing (WG III/2), and Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems Modelling and Monitoring (WG III/10) .
Details of the paper at https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/IV-3-W1/17/2019/