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Introduction to QISKit by Varun Chhangani

Varun Chhangani a Dual Degree Student in LCD-1 gave a hands on session for implementation of quantum algorithm using Qiskit (an SDK for implementation of Quantum Circuits by IBM) on 7 November during the Algorithm Analysis and Design (AAD) class. In the session, using Qiskit, quantum circuits were implemented on simulators and on real quantum hardware. The algorithms for which the implementation were demonstrated were:

  • Quantum Entanglement
  • Quantum Teleportation
  • Bernstein Vazirani Algorithm

The demonstration included making circuits using Python as well as GUI provided by IBM.

Via the session, students learnt about Qiskit, the current status of companies like IBM, Google and Microsoft on providing remote execution of quantum circuit, available platforms to implement and explore quantum algorithms on, how to implement quantum algorithms on simulators and real hardware and understanding the outputs of a quantum circuit.
