Bhavana Gannu, CS Dual Degree working under the supervision of Prof. K S Rajan published a paper on DAV- Data Analytics and Visualisation for roads at International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Annals 2020. The summary of the research work as explained by Bhavana Gannu and Prof. K S Rajan:
This paper proposes a system for monitoring the condition and surface of roads in developing countries like India. This system will be used by government agencies to monitor municipal activities like road laying and planning. It utilizes a database created by geo-citizens or government workers as an input. The heavy machinery in existing systems is not an optimized solution to this problem. Some existing systems use GPS and accelerometer data for determining such artifacts. So, it is evident that there is a need for a system that generates robust, frequent and accountable geo-tagged data. We propose a new collaborative model for such a purpose by fusion of data from multiple sensors hosted on smart-phones of several active geo-citizens. The system focuses mainly on volunteered geographic information, in which users can use their respective smart-phones to collect the data required and upload it for further analysis. The server side of the system infuses this data into a PostGIS database and displays the road condition on a near real-time basis over a WebGIS. The strength of a good visualization in imparting insight to decision-makers is widely recognized. We advance the paper by assessing procured road data and displaying it in an easy to understand format. In addition to visualization, the WebGIS component also provides for timeline analysis of changes in road conditions, which may help in the improved management of road infrastructure.
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