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International Mother Language Day 

In 1999, UNESCO declared February 21 as International Mother Language Day. Furthermore, the United Nations General Assembly formally recognized International Mother Language Day in 2002 with the adoption of a resolution. In view of the historical significance of International Mother Language Day and the necessity to preserve and celebrate the wealth of language diversity in our country, the Cultural section of the Student Life Committee,  IIIT Hyderabad  organized a day long program on 21 February. 


A recording of the session can be viewed at https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/a7be57c5-a15b-4987-800f-f4a2dda1fe


SESSION1: “Mother Tongue in Our lives”

Keynote Address: Prof. Anil Sadgopal – “Importance of Education in Mother Tongue” –

Coordinator: Prof. Harjinder Singh

A recording of the session can be viewed at https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/ae7cd7c0-49cb-4d0a-a841-967daf4da724


Student Performance: Talking Tongues

Coordinators: Vaibhav Kashera and Eshan Gupta

A recording of the session can be viewed at https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/c9a45912-d382-4f9c-a00b-1acc76ba45bf


SESSION 2: “Literature in the Mother Tongue”

Panel Discussion with readings on “Importance of Literature in Mother Tongue”  Mercy Margaret (Telugu), Yashodhara Raychaudhuri ( Bengali), Syed Tamjeed Hyder (Urdu), Laltu (Hindi)

Coordinator: Dr. Nazia Akhtar  

A recording of the session can be viewed at 



Student Activity: Act the Word  

Coordinators: Pooja Desur and Dhruvee Birla

A recording of the session can be viewed at 
