As part of the 8th International Day of Yoga (IDY-2022), NSS-IIIT Hyderabad organised a few yoga events in June in addition to the flagship event on 21 June. The theme of International Day of Yoga 2022 was Yoga for Wellbeing.
3 June – Trataka Kriya (eyes exercise). Tratak is an ancient meditation technique which refreshes the mind, improves eyesight, concentration and willpower.
11 June – Yogic remedies for insomnia (sleeping disorder). Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. It may cause difficulty falling asleep or waking up in the middle of night, difficulty returning to sleep, feeling tired during the daytime, irritability, depressed mood, and problems with concentration or memory. All these problems can be pacified with simple yogic lifestyle changes. This one-hour session included:
- Shakti Mudra: Shakti represents the vital energy. Regular practice of this Mudra, therefore, improves circulation to the brain and assists in falling asleep. This Mudra also heals physical and emotional trauma causing certain anxiety, often resulting in Insomnia.
- Bhramari Pranayama: This pranayama helps in activating the parasympathetic nervous system and has a relaxing effect on the body before going to bed. In this we are going to learn and practice yoga asanas mudra and pranayama.
18 June – Special session on Kapola Shakti Vikasam (face yoga) on. Kapola is a Sanskrit word which means cheek, shakti means strength, vikasa means development. Kapola shakti vikasa fixes pimples, bad breath and wrinkles. This exercise is one of the Sukshma vyayama that helps in oxygenation and aeration of inner tissues of the face.
21 June – Sports and Yoga Committee and NSS-IIIT Hyderabad jointly organised two practical yoga sessions of asanas, pranayama and meditation. The morning session was held at Felicity ground from 7-8 am. The morning session also had demonstrations by UG students on Yoga Natyam and Vinyasa Yoga. The evening session was held at the yoga hall from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.
25 June – The concluding event as part of Yoga Mahothsav month was Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation that allows one to scan the body and tap into a state of relaxed consciousness as the mind settles in a place between wakefulness and sleep. It helps manage immune function, blood pressure, cortisol levels and induces restful sleep. This yoga technique can be practised by everyone at any point of time, except right after a meal.