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Indian Biophysical Society Meeting (IBS-2019)

Dr. U Deva Priyakumar gave a talk on  Urea-Aromatic Interactions: Protein unfolding, urea transporters, damaged DNA, and protein-ligand interactions at the 43rd Indian Biophysical Society Meeting (IBS-2019) from 15 -17 March at IISER, Kolkata.

The Indian Biophysical Society (IBS), founded in 1965 and registered under the Act XXVI of 1961 at Kolkata with its office at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), has grown over the years. It currently includes over 1000 life-members from all parts of the country. The interdisciplinary nature of the society attracts scientists from not only Physics, Chemistry and Biology, but also other related areas too such as Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Medicine.