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IHUB-Data Fellowships


Data is a critical need for the unfolding AI revolution that is impacting all aspects of our lives these days. IHub-Data, a Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) at IIITH focuses on putting together large-scale datasets as well as developing solutions based on that data through Applied Research. IHub-Data aims to harness the volume and variety of data available in India to put together datasets that will be a valuable resource to researchers the world over. In addition, technology and applied research efforts are directed in focus domains like mobility, healthcare, smart buildings, systems and India specific research initiatives.

In order to encourage current generation researchers in Data Driven Technologies, and nurture future generation researchers/students TIH has instituted fellowships to Masters, PhD, Postdoc and Tenure track faculty fellowships & Chair Professorships. Recipients of the fellowships from the first 2 batches include:

   Batch-1 (January to December 2021)
Ashish Papreja
guided by Dr. Abhishek Srivastava, Center for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technologies (CVEST) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on RESPIRE: A Reliable and Fast Wireless Pneumonia Detector with Litmus Test capability for pediatric Care.
Y Pawan Kumar
guided by Prof. Raghu Reddy, Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) and Prof. Syed Azeemuddin, Center for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technologies (CVEST) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will working on VREye.
Yash Goyal
guided by Dr Vinoo Alluri, Cognitive Science Lab (CogSci) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on Predicting risk of depression from music listening habits using a multi modal approach.
Purva Sharma
guided by Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala, Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her Ph.D in Healthcare. She will be working on Development of resources and clinical tools for the assessment of speech disorders from speech.
Supreeth S Karan
guided by Dr. Kavita Vemuri, Cognitive Science Lab (CogSci) and Dr. Avinash Sharma, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on Spine Kinematics.
Arpita Dash
guided by Prof. S Bapi Raju, Cognitive Science Lab (CogSci) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her MS in Healthcare. She will be working on Characterization of Development and Ageing of the Brain.
Ishan Patwardhan
guided by Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on Air pollution monitoring using vehicular nodes in the city of Hyderabad.
Piyush Singh
guided by Dr. P K Vinod, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) and Prof. C V Jawahar, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on Deep learning framework for cancer classification and survival prediction using image-omics.
Ayyappa Swamy
guided by Prof. K Madhava Krishna, Robotics Research Center (RRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Mobility. He will be working on 3D Skyline Reconstruction for UAV Navigation.
Anushkha Tiwari
guided by Dr. Aftab M Hussain, Center for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technology (CVEST) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her MS in Healthcare. She will be working on Real-time Low-Cost Device for Monitoring FHR, MHR and UC.
Annesha Matumder
guided by Dr. Prabhakar Bhimalapuram, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB), Dr. Tapan Kumar Sau, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) and Dr. Syed Azeemuddin, Center for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technology (CVEST) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her Ph.D in Healthcare. She will be working on Detection of Biomolecules using Portable Radio Frequency Based Sensing Platforms.
   Batch-2 (August 2021 – July 2022)
K Dharani Tejaswini
guided by Prof. Vishal Garg, Centre for Building Science (CBS) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her Ph.D in Smart Buildings (Energy Efficiency). She will be working on A databank for Residential Energy Utilization in India.
Mirishkar Sai Ganesh
guided by Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala, Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his Ph.D in Healthcare. He will be working on Speech based Health care Information System in Telugu Language.
Jayadev Naram
guided by Dr. Pawan Kumar, Center for Security, Theory and Algorithms (CSTAR) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in recommendation systems in data science and machine learning. He will be working on Optimization Models and Solvers for Recommendation with additional feedback or constraints for high dimensional tensor data.
Nayan Anand
guided by Dr. Chiranjeevi Yarra, Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Speech Signal Processing. He will be working on Automatic spoken data validation for human-computer interaction (HCI) under Indian context.
S Sravya Vardhani
guided by Dr. Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her MS in Computer Vision. She will be working on A principled and robust approach for trustworthy counting of large crowds from images.
Suba S
guided by Dr. Nita Parekh, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her Ph.D in Image Data Analysis in Healthcare. She will be working on Database construction and analysis of chest X-ray and CT scan images of COVID-19.
Souradeep Deb
guided by Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing his MS in Healthcare. He will be working on GIS-based analysis to showcase the influence of vegetation cover in PM variation in India.
Sara Spandhana
guided by Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her MS in Healthcare. She will be working on Machine Learning-based Calibration and Use of Low-cost Gas Sensors for Air Pollution Monitoring.
Prasha Srivastava
guided by Zia Abbas, Center for VLSI and Embedded System Technology (CVEST) was awarded IHUB-Data Fellowship for pursuing her MS in Machine Learning, GAN, Circuits, Health-Care. She will be working on Design and tuning of active implantable medical devices through machine learning and generative adversarial networks.