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IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (EEE WF-IoT 2019)

Anish Shastri (MS-Research), working under the supervision of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari presented a paper on Improving Accuracy of the Shewhart-based Data-Reduction in IoT Nodes using Piggybacking at the IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT-2019), University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland from 15 to 18 April.




The research paper proposes the use of Shewhart test to reduce the number of data-transmissions in IoT networks and the use of Piggybacking and Interpolation schemes to reduce the Mean Square Error of the estimated time-series data at the sink node, without increasing the number of data transmissions. The proposed algorithm has been implemented on a custom-designed low-cost sensor node resulting in a significant increase in the lifetime of the battery.

The 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2019), a premier conference for the IEEE IoT Initiative consisted of participants from the research community, the public sector, and industry. The theme of the Conference was IoT and the Digital Revolution in recognition of strides and leadership that the host location of Limerick and Ireland has made in the deployment of “smart” technologies, operating principles, and policies. The theme also underscores the importance of IoT technologies in bringing about the digital revolution and making it a reality. The papers, presentations, and events at the conference focused on contributions to nurture, cultivate, enhance and accelerate the adoption of IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society.