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IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das and his students Prithwi Bagchi, Ph.D; Raj Maheshwari, B.Tech (Hons.) CSE and  Dr. Basudeb Bera a graduated Ph.D student published a paper on Public Blockchain-Envisioned Security Scheme using Post Quantum Lattice-Based Aggregate Signature for Internet of Drones Applications at the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3260579. (2021 SCI Impact Factor: 6.239).

The other research collaborators involved in this work are Prof. Youngho Park,  Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea; Prof. Pascal Lorenz,  University of Haute Alsace, France and Prof. David K Y Yau, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore.

The work as explained by the authors:

Due to high effectiveness and robust security protocols, lattice-based cryptography becomes a very broadly applicable optimistic post-quantum technique that is recently used in public key cryptosystem. An aggregate signature scheme enables a party to bundle a set of signatures together into a single short cryptographic signature, which can be verified by any verifier using the public information. In this paper, we provide a lattice-based aggregate signature scheme where the security depends on the difficulty of the Ring Learning-with-Error (Ring-LWE) problem. Next, we use the basic scheme in Internet of Drones (IoD) applications using the blockchain technology for secure and transparent data storage. The detailed security analysis and comparative study show that the proposed scheme provides superior security including resistance to quantum attacks and is efficient as compared to the existing state of art approaches. The testbed experimental results and the blockchain simulation demonstrate that the proposed scheme can be applied in real-life drones applications.

March 2023