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Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) hosted the 21st edition of the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) 2024, at IIIT Hyderabad from 4 – 8 June. ICSA is the premier venue for practitioners and researchers interested in software architecture. Dr Raghu Reddy from SERC, IIIT Hyderabad and Prof. Nenad Medvidovic from the University of Southern California served as the general chairs of ICSA 2024, while Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan (SERC) served as the local organisation chair. The conference gave an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences, network with peers, and collaborate on advancing the field of software architecture.

Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan and his team presented 1 research paper, 1 software architecture in practice, 3 posters and 2 workshop papers during ICSA 2024. Here are the details: 

  • [Main Research Track] Can LLMs generate architecture design decisions? An Exploratory Empirical study – Rudra Dhar, Karthik Vaidhyanathan and Vasudeva Varma explain their research briefly: They evaluated the capability of different LLMs to generate decisions, given the context. Their evaluations showed some promising results which can potentially lead to many new research directions.
  • [Poster Track] Leveraging Generative AI for Architecture Knowledge Management – Rudra Dhar, Karthik Vaidhyanathan and Vasudeva Varma explain their research briefly: They propose an approach that makes use of Generative AI and information retrieval for effective architecture knowledge management. What if you can just provide a code repository and extract architectural information from it?
  • [Poster Track] Reimagining Self-Adaptation in the Age of Large Language Models – Raghav Donakanti, Prakhar Jain, Shubham Kulkarni and Karthik Vaidhyanathan explain their research briefly: What if LLMs can be used to support autonomous self-adaptation? What if LLMs can reason on the different system metrics, logs, etc? to generate adaptation strategies (humans can, of course, aid!)
  • [Poster Track] Towards Architecting Sustainable MLOps: A Self-Adaptation Approach Hiya Bhatt, Shrikara A and Karthik Vaidhyanathan explain their research briefly: What if we can combine decision maps at design time with run-time self-adaptation to enhance the sustainability of MLOps? This is what we have proposed in this work. Our initial results also sound promising.
  • [Software Architecture in Practice Track] Exploratory Study of oneM2M-based Interoperability Architectures for IoT: A Smart City PerspectiveVJS Pranavasri, Leo Francis, Gaurav Pal, Ushasree MogadaliAnuradha Vattem, Karthik Vaidhyanathan and Deepak Gangadharan explain their research briefly:  The work performs an extensive performance analysis on three different interoperability platforms of IoT systems. We believe this will help the practitioner community during the process of architecting IoT systems.
  • [GREENS Workshop]  EcoMLS: A Self-Adaptation Approach for Architecting Green ML-Enabled Systems – Meghana Tedla, Shubham Kulkarni and Karthik Vaidhyanathan explain their research briefly: The work demonstrates how model switching (during inference) can be leveraged to improve the energy efficiency of ML-enabled systems.
  • [TwinArch and DTE Workshop] Architecting Digital Twin for Smart City Systems: A Case Study Bala Likhith Kanigolla, Gaurav Pal, Karthik Vaidhyanathan, Deepak Gangadharan and Anuradha Vattem explain their research briefly: The work provides an initial architecture of the digital twin of water supply network that we developed as part of our work at Smart City Living Lab@IIITH.  

This is a tier A conference. The most premier conference on Software architecture. Many of the students are undergraduate students, which exemplifies the research culture that we have at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH).

Conference Page: https://conf.researchr.org/home/icsa-2024


June 2024