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ICPP 2024

Subhajit Sahu, a Ph.D student with Prof. Kishore Kothapalli participated in the 53rd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2024) held in Visby, Sweden from 12 – 15 August. Subhajit Sahu presented a paper on Fast Leiden Algorithm for Community Detection in Shared Memory Setting, the authors of this paper are Subhajit Sahu, Kishore Kothapalli and  Dip Sankar Banerjee, IIT Jodpur. 

Here is the summary of their research work as explained by the authors:

 Community detection is the problem of identifying natural divisions in networks. Efficient parallel algorithms for identifying such divisions is critical in a number of applications, where the size of datasets have reached significant scales. This paper presents one of the most efficient implementations of the Leiden algorithm, a high quality community detection method. On a server equipped with dual 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 6226R processors, our Leiden implementation, which we term as GVE-Leiden, outperforms NetworKit Leiden and cuGraph Leiden (running on NVIDIA A100 GPU) by 8.2 × and 3.0 × respectively — achieving a processing rate of 403M edges/s on a 3.8B edge graph. In addition, GVE-Leiden improves performance at a rate of 1.6 × for every doubling of threads.

Subhajit Sahu also participated in a session on  Algorithm Optimization which was chaired by  Ronald Minnich, Google (Kernel side expert).

The International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) is one of the oldest continuously running computer science conferences in parallel computing in the world. It is a premier forum for researchers, scientists, and practitioners in academia, industry, and government to present their latest research findings in all aspects of the field.

Conference page: https://icpp2024.org/

September 2024