Dr. Ashok Kumar Das gave an expert talk on Block Chain Technology and its Potential Application in Intelligent Transport Systems at the 4th International Conference on Communication and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE’21), Hyderabad from 9 – 10 April.
International Conference on Communication and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE) is one of the most prestigious conferences conceptualized in the field of networking and communication technology offering in-depth information on the latest developments in voice, data, image and multimedia. The ICCCE-21 welcomed industry professionals and academicians from companies, government agencies and universities around the world to cover a broad range of perspectives, practices and technical expertise. The conference gave the participants an opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in communication and computing technology. ICCCE-21 was hosted by Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department, G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management (GHRCEM), Pune in association with Springer.
About the conference: http://www.intcommcon.com/
About the speakers: http://www.intcommcon.com/speakers/