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H. Mohammed Ashfakh Ali – Dual Degree ECE

Huluvallay Mohammed Ashfakh Ali received his MS  Dual Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Zia Abbas. Here’s a summary of Huluvallay Mohammed Ashfakh Ali’s thesis Ultra Low Power Integrated Circuits for Low Power IoT Systems as explained by him:

Semiconductor industry has long struggled to develop systems that operate at higher speeds, thereby reaching giga-hertz or even tera-hertz in recent times. However, newly emerging applications like biomedical, environmental monitoring, surveillance etc palace contrast requirements to these high speed systems. These applications do not require higher speeds, however they do not have access to wall power (in most cases) and must resort to energy harvesting, miniaturized batteries, thereby placing power consumption as the bottleneck. Additionally, systems powered through energy harvesting must be able to work with lower supply voltages, while systems powered by miniaturized batteries must be able to work for wide supply voltages precluding the need of voltage regulators. For biomedical applications, these systems should also occupy lower form factors, so that they could lead to less invasive surgeries. Temperature is one of most important sensing modality for any IoT system, and hence temperature sensors must be designed keeping the above constraints in mind. Consequently, we propose a 47nW temperature sensor in TSMC 180nm technology node and 100pW temperature sensor in UMC 55nmtechnology node. Both the sensors are based on completely different architectures. In TSMC 180nmtechnology, temperature is transduced to delay using temperature characteristics of resistance and capacitance. The architecture is digital friendly, since delay can be easily converted to digital code. Since Temperature to delay conversion depends mainly on passive elements, the architecture is highly resilient to supply variations. To further push the power consumption from nano-watt to sub-nano-watt regime and reduce the area further, we exploit the temperature dependency of gate-leakage in lower technology nodes. A process and supply-invariant proportional-to-absolute-temperature voltage (VPTAT) is generated by using BJTs and gate leakage characteristics in UMC 55nm technology. The obtained VPTAT is highly resilient to process and supply variations and occupies lower form factors. Biasing circuits being common to any analog circuits, must also be designed for the above constraints. Consequently, we propose 10nA current reference in TSMC 180nm technology node and 20pA current reference, 600mV voltage reference in UMC 55nm technology node. Both the current references are based on completely different architectures. In TSMC 180nm technology, we design the 10nA current reference by cancelling the temperature coefficient of voltage and temperature characteristics of resistance. A voltage bias circuit is designed in a way that the obtained current reference temperature coefficient is independent of process variations, necessitating only single point trim. However, this architecture cannot be used for designing sub-nW currents, as it requires impracticable high resistances.To push the power consumption of current reference for sub-nW regime without compromising on area, we exploit the temperature characteristics of gate leakage in lower technology nodes. The proposed 20pA current reference is the first sub-nW current reference that solves the problem of exponential power consumption with temperature and process. With a slight modification to this architecture, we develop a 600mV voltage reference for the sub-nW regime. Both these sub-nW voltage and current references require only single-point trim. All the above mentioned voltage and current references work for a wide temperature range and show high supply resilience over wide supply ranges. Sleep mode timers are essential to any duty-cycled IoT nodes for synchronizing data transmission and data reception. Although active power consumption is reduced by duty cycling, sleep mode power consumption of timers becomes a bottleneck in scaling the overall system power consumption. These Times are also expected to be robust to supply and temperature variations, as error in frequency necessitates additional guard band time, thereby increasing the overall system power consumption. RC oscillators are preferred due to their excellent temperature and supply stability, However scaling power consumption to sub-10nW, requires impracticable high resistances in the order of hundreds of megaohms/giga ohms. Although gate leakage in thin oxide transistors serve as effective replacements for large resistance in lower technology nodes, TSMC 180nm does not have gate leakage and requires large physical resistances. Consequently, we propose a resistance amplifier, a CMOS circuit that realizes the characteristics of large resistance using small resistance, thereby saving area and hence cost. This resistance amplifier is substituted in the conventional offset compensated RC oscillator architecture, and the overall functionality of the system is evaluated.