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FOSS4G Asia 2018

The following papers were presented by students and faculty of IIIT-H at  FOSS4G-ASIA – 2018 Conference at University of  Moratuwa, Sri Lanka from 2 – 5 December:

  • Dr. K S Rajan – Open Source for Sustainable Development.
  • Murty S S C (student of Computer Science, Vignan University, Guntur) an intern under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – Development of open source tool to derive specific absorption coefficient of biochemical parameters by segmentation of species spectra (co-authors of this paper are Salghuna N N and Ramachandra Prasad P.
  • Salghuna N N (Ph.D student) working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – Extraction and validation of contiguous spectra generated from Sentinel-2 data -– A case Study from Araku forest of Eastern Ghats, India (co-authors of this paper are Sundar J, Ramachandra Prasad P and Rao R N)
  • Vani M (Ph.D student) working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P –  Urban growth modelling using SLEUTH: A case study of Vijayawada city, India (co-authors of this paper are Kamakshi Moparthi and Ramachandra Prasad P)
  • Kamakshi Moparthi (student of Computer Science, Mahindra Ecole, Hyderabad) an intern under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – GUI for SLEUTH model (Co-authors of this paper are Vani M and Ramachandra Prasad P)
  • Rohith Gilla (student of Computer Science, Mahindra Ecole, Hyderabad) an intern under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – Development of an open source tool to remove cloud from hyperspectral satellite imagery using machine learning approach (Co-authors of this paper are  Salghuna N N and Ramachandra Prasad P)
  • Tarnpreet Singh Gill (M Tech Students of CASE, EERC) working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – Age Detection of Moon using Crater Counting Techniques (Co-authors of this paper are  Salghuna N N and Ramachandra Prasad P)
  • Keertana Daliparthy (M Tech Students of CASE, EERC)working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – Analogous Mineralogical Study of Moon with respect to Earth (Co-authors of this paper are  Salghuna N N and Ramachandra Prasad P)


The following workshops were conducted by students of IIIT-H at  FOSS4G-ASIA – 2018 Conference at University of  Moratuwa, Sri Lanka from 2 – 5 December:

  • Salghuna N N (Ph.D student) working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – The DART model (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer)
  • M Vani (Ph.D student) working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P – SLEUTH a land use change

The conference fosters sustainable development and promotes the widespread use of Open Source Geospatial Technologies including support for software development, publicly available Geo-data and applications. This year’s conference theme was ‘Open Source For Sustainable Development’. The conference itself had a host of sustainable initiatives ranging from no printed conference proceedings to no plastic water bottles, even exhorting the participants to ‘plate according to appetite’ during mealtimes and to consider taking the stairs in lieu of the elevator in case they were alone.