Faculty and students of IIITH presented the following papers at the 11th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2024) held in Vienna, Austria from 19 – 21 August in Hybrid mode:
- Spatio-Temporal PM Analysis for Event Detection using Low-Cost IoT Sensors – Shreyash Gujar, Spandhhana Sara, Ayu Parmar, Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, and Prof. K S Rajan. Here is the summary of the research work as explained by the authors:
Local activities have a significant impact on the air quality in every region. A study for two consecutive years (2021-2022) has been conducted in the Gachibowli region of Hyderabad, India, which employs spatially distributed low-cost IoT-based air quality monitors across residential and at traffic junctions and main roads measuring particulate matter (PM), temperature, and humidity. The study shows the observations during three seasons, aiming to establish correlations between the PM spikes and specific events that triggered these spikes. Detailed discussions focus on the variations in PM levels linked to traffic patterns over six months and the Diwali festival in 2021 and 2022. PM concentrations increased 2-3 times the normal range during Diwali and decreased post-Diwali. In the case of traffic-related pollution, 1.5 times higher PM levels were observed during morning and evening peak traffic hours, with significant reductions in afternoons across all months with variations in range depending on the season.
Full Paper: Spatio_Temporal_PM_Analysis_for_Event_Detection_using_Low_Cost_IoT_Sensors.pdf
- Security Analysis of IoT-based Remote Labs – Authors: Nagesh Walchatwar, Akshit Gureja, Vigneswara Ihita Gangavarapu, Adhishree Ojha, and Dr. Sachin Chaudhari. Here is the summary of their research work as explained by the authors:
Remote labs are online laboratories that allow users to access and interact with experimental hardware setups remotely. They are helpful in providing practical learning experiences of theoretical concepts from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Ensuring the security of these remote labs is essential for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of data and services. This paper presents a comprehensive security analysis of the hardware, communication interfaces, and platform of the IoT-based Remote Labs (RLabs)deployed at IIIT Hyderabad, India. A detailed vulnerability assessment of potential threats was conducted using industry standard tools and performed four targeted attacks to exploit identified weaknesses. The attacks include remote physical hardware manipulation, creating unavailability of experiments for legitimate users, unauthorized access to the platform and data sniffing between the components. To address these vulnerabilities, mitigation strategies are proposed to enhance the user experience in remote labs.
Full Paper: Security_analysis_for_remote_laboratories___Draft (12).pdf
- Low-Cost Retrofitted IoT-Based Titration Setup for Remote Labs – Abhinav Marri, Vedant Nipane, Rishabh Agrawal, Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, and Dr. Prabhakar Bhimalapuram.Here is the summary of the research work as explained by the authors:
Remote laboratories have become increasingly popular in the field of education as they allow users to conduct real scientific experiments from any location worldwide and at any time. However, most of the work in remote labs focuses on physics and engineering experiments. Remote labs on chemistry experiments are uncommon. This paper proposes a remote IoT-based setup for acid-base titration that makes use of an interactive web platform to control and observe the experiment in real-time. The setup requires no human intervention during experimentation as each step of the experiment is performed remotely by retrofitting the traditional setup. Data was gathered by having a selected group of students carry out the experiment multiple times. The paper performs an analysis of the accuracy of the experimental setup and presents user feedback on the experimental setup, the experience and its impact on their learning. The paper compares an alternate remote titration experiment with the proposed setup based on affordability using a comprehensive cost analysis.
Full Paper: Low_Cost_Retrofitted_IoT_Based_Titration_Setup_for_Remote_Labs.pdf
August 2024