The 22nd edition of Felicity was held offline after more than 2 years from 18 – 20 March and was bigger than ever before. Felicity is IIIT Hyderabad’s largest techno-cultural fest, known for its diverse set of cultural, technical and social events.
The festivities began on 18 March with exhilarating performances by students as part of the Inaugurals. This was followed by the highly anticipated stand-up performance from the ‘Mast Aadmi’ – Biswa Kalyan Rath.
The Night of Music on 19 March featured the live performance of the famous EDM duo – Lost Stories who are known for their tracks like Bombay Dreams, Mahi etc. The fest concluded with a power-packed performance from one of the finest singers of Bollywood, the hit-machine Arjun Kanungo on 20 March.
But that was not all, Felicity-2022 had a variety of events by the clubs throughout the three-day period, and beyond.
Explored parallels and differences between human and machine learning, and how inspiration can be drawn for improving current systems in Deep Learning. No prerequisites were required for this.
Could learn about what is MLOps, how to get started with it, and how TensorFlow Extended can help
Electronic Arts, which inspires the world to play, created extraordinary new game experiences for millions of players everywhere by bringing together talented people that combine creativity, innovation, and passion. Technology must be on the driver seat for the gaming industry to penetrate further in the sector and to solve the challenges posed by the new age world. Technology needs to provide solutions, things like intelligent player matchmaking, virtual economies, toxicity detection and moderation, in game chat through text, streaming VOIP or Video. Had to be innovative and clever to roll out quicker game releases with controlled costs that are economically viable in the longer term. Also should judiciously use the virtually unlimited cloud hardware that it has at its disposal to build intelligent products that make an impact.
Technical programs
The Technical events of Felicity are known for their fun and challenging questions. There were a plethora of events like:
- Escape Room by ERC was an online event on Discord. There were various kinds of questions like riddles, picture clues, crosswords, circuit bug hunting, and much more, having a mix of general knowledge, pop culture, electronics and robotics. Teams ranging from 1- 4 people were in each team
- Break in, a jeopardy style capture the flag where players had to use logic and knowledge in technology to solve various tasks
- VimGolf, participants were given some relatively simple editing tasks, and figure out how to complete them with fewer and fewer keystrokes in Vim, competing to get the lowest keystroke count possible
- Space Escapade – The Astronomy Club of IIITH presented the second edition of Space Escapade!, an online mystery room challenge with exciting prizes!
- Decode, participants had to use all the debugging experience that they gained! They were given problems and their buggy code submissions, and had to determine a test case where the buggy solution fails.
Cultural programs
Diverse cultures were displayed and events ranged from dancing to sports and gaming to even debating!
- Open Mic, gave an opportunity for participants to show off their oratory skills where they could recite stories, poems, haikus, or any other similar talents.
- Cheat Codes was conducted by the Gaming Club. It was an all-fest long 24/7 gaming hub event. They had everything from PCs and Console running, favorite games to a VR setup for the participants to experience.
- Footbids, an auction for FIFA players new and retro where 8 teams participated. The best team that won the Fifa simulation was crowned the winner.
- Shipwreck participants could argue if their favourite book character was in fact the greatest. Or perhaps if their favourite sports team dominated and many more.
- Open event/Open tournament, in this event some players were selected who were at JC with boards setup. Anyone could challenge them and the winners were given treat/prize
- Roadblock was an opportunity to showcase musical talents – solo or with a band! Everyone could perform, whether a professional or a bathroom singer.
- Face Painting, participants could paint each other’s faces.
- Battle of Brains (Prelims and Finals), The TV Room Quiz Club was back with the annual flagship event at Felicity 2022! This time, they had a renowned quizmaster- Thejaswi Udupa hosting the general quiz online. Thejaswi Udupa is a Semi-finalist at BBC Mastermind India 2002, a multiple time national finalist at Landmark Quiz, a multiple time winner of TATA Crucible Corporate Quiz’s regional editions, a tech entrepreneur in Bangalore and a nationally renowned Quizmaster.
- Chess Tournament was a blitz tournament.
- Debate Tournament was designed keeping beginners in mind. It had intense debating, intriguing arguments and loads of fun.
- The 14th Treasure Hunt was conducted by the Literary Club and the Language Club. Each team could have 2-4 participants.
- Black and White, participants had to submit black and white photographs in nature category, people category and in open category
- Dance Workshop was for anyone who loves to dance and was beginner friendly.
- The Wall: No need to be Picasso, when there are Pixels to guide you! After the huge success of The Wall last felicity, Felicity-22 was back with the grid offline! Participants had to pick up the colours according to the numbers on the grid and paint it box by box to see what the grid reveals finally!
In addition to these there were many more like Artistx + Arjun Kanungo, Footfall, Japanese Music Stream, Drag ‘EM Down, Photowalk, Dj + Lost Stories EDM, Fashion Show, Cheat Codes – Fifa Tournament, Cheat Codes – Rocket League, Cheat Codes – CSGO, Cheat Codes – Brawlhalla, Inaugurals + Stand Up and Wall Painting
Felicity homepage:
Felicity Pictures: Felicity_2022_18-20_Mar-2022