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F C Kohli Day

F C Kohli Day

Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) commemorated the birth anniversary of Sri F C Kohli on 19 March with a special program celebrating his life through research and innovation. 

2:00- 3.15 pm: Inauguration and Industry Panel

  • Rahul Panicker Principal Technologist, Vicarious AI
  • Srujana Merugu Principal Scientist Amazon
  • Anu Acharya Founder and CEO Mapmygenome
  • Prof Vinod P K IIITH

5:30 -5:00pm: Showcase

5:15 – 6:30 pm: Alumni interaction with Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, CMU MS/PhD; Aanshul Sadaria  SWE  Google; Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Associate Professor at Institute of Technology, University of Tartu; Dr. Rahul Saladi Assistant Professor at IISc Bangalore

6:45 – 7:45 pm: First key note by Rajeev Rastogi, VP and Research Lead Amazon India

 8:00 – 9:00 pm Second key note by Prof Mausam, IIT Delhi

Nearly 50 people  participated through zoom  and others watched in YouTube live streaming.

Alumni Interaction

IIIT Hyderabad’s Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) commemorated the birth anniversary of Sri F C Kohli on 19th March 2022 with events highlighting research and innovation. One of the key events of the celebration was the Advisor – Advisee session, an interactive session with Alumni from across the globe, who are carrying on the spirit of research that was inculcated at IIITH.   https://youtu.be/Pc15i0pXgKs