Energise, a biennial conclave, brings together key government agencies, business leaders, researchers, academicians and relevant stakeholders on one platform to spotlight progress and a broader narrative shaping the future trends of energy efficiency policy in India. The main theme of this event was Energy Innovation for a Sustainable Economy. The conference was held at The Park, Hyderabad from 12 – 13 February.
- Prof. Vishal Garg was one of the panelists in the panel discussion on Creating a culture of data-driven energy efficiency policies: How end-use energy data can be a game-changer on 12 February. The other panelists were Anna Agarwa (Fellow, Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment, Centre for Policy Research), Umesh Bhutoria (CEO, EnergyTech Ventures), Tanmay Tathagat (Director, Environmental Design Solutions) and Srihari Dukkipati (Fellow, Prayas Group) and Bhaskar Natarajan (Advisor, AEEE). The discussion was moderated by Dr. Rahul Tongia (Fellow, Brookings India).
- Prof. Vishal Garg was one of the panelists in the panel discussion on Measuring and monitoring residential energy use in India: challenges and opportunities on 13 February. The other panelists were Prof. Rajat Gupta (Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Climate Change, Director of OISD and LCB Group) and Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur (MNIT Jaipur). The discussion was moderated by Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur (MNIT Jaipur). A subsession was on RESIDE approach for Measuring and monitoring residential energy use.
IIITH Researchers Bhargavi Boyina (Junior Research Fellow), Sraavani Gundepudi (Senior Research Fellow) also participated in the conference.