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E-Cell@IIITH at E-Merge

Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell), IIIT Hyderabad, is an organisation dedicated to spreading the entrepreneurial spirit among the student community and is one of the most active student bodies on campus. This year, E-Cell, IIIT Hyderabad, was specially invited to participate in E-Merge, organised by E-Cell-IIT Hyderabad on 5 November. E-Merge, organised by E-Cell-IIT Hyderabad, was a gathering of various innovation and entrepreneurship bodies from reputed institutions of India where the representatives discuss, share and chart the path ahead for student entrepreneurship in educational institutions. This year, our second-year students, Prithvi Karthik, Monish Singhal, Soumil Gupta, Shivam Singh, Prabhav Shetty, Amey Karan, Kevin Thakkar, Shailender Goyal, and Tejas Cavale, participated enthusiastically in the event and also took part in the Boardroom (a case study competition simulating the real corporate world) during the E-Merge Conclave. Akshit Gureja, the coordinator of E-Cell, IIIT Hyderabad, was also invited to be a panel member to share his insights on nurturing innovation and building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in student institutions. The event was followed by a networking lunch for the participants and members to interact with E-Cells from other colleges, institutes and universities.

“The conclave helped in gaining valuable insights not just about entrepreneurship for self but also how to induce it among our communities for a better society and tomorrow”, says Shailender Goyal.

Shivam Singh notes that “EMerge presented an amazing exchange of ideas and thoughts between different ECells”. 

Monish Singhal mentions that “Meeting people from different E-Cells showed me how we are so similar, yet different, in our organisation and thoughts”.

“Upon interacting with the members and heads of various other e-cells, I had an understanding of how they function and got ideas on the changes we could incorporate in our E-Cell to make it better” elaborates E-Cell, IIIT-Hyderabad at E-Merge 2 Amey Karan. 

“By networking with people and participating in various events I learnt that the spirit of entrepreneurship comes from within an individual and no external factor is responsible to trigger that”, adds Kevin Thakkar. 

The event was an incredible opportunity for the students to gain valuable insights into entrepreneurship and how to promote it within our communities for a better future.






November 2023