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Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju

Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju, Senior Researcher at the L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany gave a talk on Crowd Computing – Human Intelligence Meets the Machine on 15 March.

Crowdsourcing has emerged as an excellent means to acquire human input on demand, and has found widespread application in solving a variety of problems. An important consequence of being able to design and execute crowdsourcing tasks effectively, is that experiments which were traditionally carried out in laboratories on a much smaller scale can now tap into the immense potential of online labor. Exploiting the opportunities that effective crowdsourcing affords, his talk showcase his groups recent work that uses large-scale crowdsourcing experiments to better understand human factors in Web Search. Next, he highlighted novel interventions to mitigate user biases in the crowdsourced acquisition of data. He concluded the talk by describing future research directions in the compelling and timely confluence of Human Computation and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju’s research interests include Human Computation, Crowdsourcing, Information Retrieval, and Social Computing. His research primarily focuses on leveraging crowd computing to solve important problems centered around humans and their interaction within socio-technical systems. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including papers at top-tier conferences and high-impact journals such as ACM SIGCHI, ACM TOCHI, ACM HT, ACM UbiComp, WWW, ACM SIGIR, ACM CIKM, ACM WSDM, ISWC, CSCW Journal among others. He received the Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award at the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media in 2017, among other notable awards and scholarly recognitions.