Dr. Tejas Bodas has joined the Computer Systems Group(CSG) as an Assistant Professor. His research areas are at the intersection of operations research, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. These include stochastic modeling, pricing, queueing theory, game theory, mean field approximations, MDP, reinforcement learning and Bayesian optimization.
Dr. Bodas obtained his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay and subsequently spent around 3 years as a postdoc at different places – TIFR Mumbai, LAAS-CNRS at Toulouse in France, University of Antwerp, Belgium and IISc Bangalore. Later he joined the department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Dharwad as an Assistant Professor which was followed by a brief tenure as a scientist at TCS Research, Bangalore.
Homepage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=7lj4UY8AAAAJ