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Dr. Syed Azeemuddin selected Vice-Chairman of IEEE Photonics Society, Hyderabad Chapter

Dr. Syed Azeemuddin has been selected as Vice-Chairman of IEEE Photonics Society, Hyderabad Chapter.

IEEE Photonics Society members are dedicated to transforming breakthroughs in quantum physics into the devices, systems, and products to revolutionize our daily lives. Membership includes access to cutting-edge periodicals, discounts on conferences, professional and educational resources, networking opportunities, and access to involvement with humanitarian and STEM initiatives.

The IEEE Hyderabad Section is one of the most active sections of IEEE in India. IEEE was formally introduced in Hyderabad, in June 1981, when a group of engineers in Hyderabad decided to form an IEEE sub-section here. This sub-section was rapidly elevated to a full section, in 1984 (the year of IEEE Centenary celebrations). All IEEE members residing in the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are automatically members of the IEEE Hyderabad Section.