September 2022
Dr. Siddhartha Das was a member of the program committee for the conference, Beyond IID in Information Theory 10 (BIID’10), held online from 26 – 30 September. The workshop was organised by Southern University of Science and Technology, China.
Beyond IID in Information Theory started as a workshop in Cambridge, UK in 2013, as a forum for the growing interest in information-theoretic problems and techniques beyond the strict asymptotic limit, and aimed at bringing together researchers from a range of different backgrounds, ranging from coding theory, Shannon theory in the finite blocklength regime, one-shot information theory, cryptography and quantum information, all the way to quantum thermodynamics and other resource theories.
The conference brought together specialists and students of classical and quantum Shannon theory, of cryptography, mathematical physics, thermodynamics, etc., in the hope to foster collaboration in this exciting field of one-shot information theory and its applications.