Dr. Samyadeb Bhattacharya, a postdoctoral fellow at S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata gave a talk on Convex resource theory of non-Markovianity on 8 February.
Abstract: We establish a convex resource theory of non- Markovianity under the constraint of small time intervals within the temporal evolution. We construct the free operations, free states and a generalized bona- fide measure of non- Markovianity . The framework satisfies the basic properties of a consistent resource theory. The proposed resource quantifier is lower bounded by the optimization free Rivas- Huelga – Plenio ( RHP ) measure of non- Markovianity . We further define the robustness of non- Markovianity and show that it can directly be expressed as a function of the RHP measure of non- Markovianity . This enables a physical interpretation of the RHP measure.
Dr. Samyadeb Bhattacharya, did his first postdoctoral work in Quantum Information and Computational group in Harish Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad) and a Ph.D from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He is currently doing research on Quantum Open System and Resource theories.