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Dr. Rehana’s talk and short course

Dr. Rehana gave a talk on “Regional Hydrologic Impact Assessment using Global Circulation and Regional Climate Model Outputs” at a one-day brainstorming workshop on “Climate Change Impacts on Hydro-meteorological Extremes: Research Gaps and Challenges” on December 13, 2019 at  School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar.

She also conducted a one-day short course on “Modelling and Management of Water Resources Systems”, December 16th, 2019 at IIIT Hyderabad with 25 participants from UG, PG, Ph. D students and faculty.

Prof. K S Rajan as coordinator and Dr. Shaik Rehana as co-coordinator from Lab for Spatial Informatics had conducted a one day workshop on Modelling and Management of Water Resources Systems on 16 December. The short course focused on the recent advancements in the field of water resources engineering in accordance with water quantity and quality modelling and management. Main focus was on the recent advancements in the field of water resources management, quantity and quality modelling, geospatial applications in water resources, climate change impacts and adaptation strategies. Invited speakers from IIT, BITS and IIIT gave lectures covering various domains of water resources and tutorial related to water quantity and quality modelling. About 20 participants including BTech, MTech, PhD students and faculty members from BITS, Osmania University, JNTU and GRIET attended the short course.