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Distinguished lecture by Dr. Paul A Rosen 

Dr. Paul A Rosen, Project Scientist, NISAR Mission & Principal Investigator for NASA Advanced Information System Technology gave a distinguished lecture on The NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission – The Final Stretch Toward a New Capability for Earth Science and Applications 12 October.

His talk described the mission, the measurements, and the technologies and techniques that plan to deliver over 40 Tbits of science and applications data per day to understand our ever-changing planet. NASA and ISRO are developing the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission, planned for launch in early 2024. The mission will use synthetic aperture radar to map Earth’s solid surfaces every 12 days, persistently on ascending and descending portions of the orbit, over all land and ice. The mission’s primary objectives will be to study Earth land and ice deformation, and ecosystems, in areas of common interest to the US and Indian science communities.

Dr. Paul A Rosen research interests are in scientific exploration with and applications of radar, in particular interferometric methods for geodesy and surface characterization.

Dr. Paul A Rosen obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1989 and his Post-doc in Electrical Engineering in 1990 from Stanford University, Stanford, CA. He was awarded the NASA Exceptional Service Medal in 2001, NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal in 2002, and JPL Magellan Award in 2015.  He is a Member of IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society and a Member of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.  

A recording of the distinguished lecture is viewable at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYRXF4X8Lt8

October 2023