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Dr. P P K V Rao elected Member of IAStructE

Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, has been elected as a Member of the Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE).

The Indian Association of Structural Engineers, identified as IAStructE, was conceptualized and constituted in 2002 by a group of senior professional Structural Engineers from all regions of the country. It was registered under the Societies Registration Act on 20th December 2002. IAStructE is a national body of structural engineers established with the objective to cater to the overall professional needs of structural engineers in India. IAStructE strives to make available to the Government, Public Sector and Private Sector – a credible source of well qualified and experienced Structural Engineers. A nationwide database of Structural Engineers has been compiled and is being constantly updated. IAStructE is a body of professional Structural Engineers with which Government and other concerned authorities can have meaningful & fruitful dialogue towards safety & stability of structures and mitigation of the consequences arising out of natural disasters. IAStructE Governing Council comprises leading Structural Engineers from all over India. The Governing Council meets periodically to take decisions on policy matters and guide the activities of the Association.

More details at: http://www.iastructe.co.in/