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Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao 

Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, has been elected as a Young Member of RILEM, France .  

The International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM, from the name in French) was founded in June 1947, with the aim to promote scientific cooperation in the area of construction materials and structures.

Today, the new meaning of the acronym RILEM (Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux, systèmes de construction et ouvrages) emphasises its dominant focus on people as well as its worldwide activities, covering 70 countries.

The mission of the association is to advance scientific knowledge related to construction materials, systems and structures and to encourage transfer and application of this knowledge worldwide. This mission is achieved through collaboration of leading experts in construction practice and science including academics, researchers, testing laboratories and authorities.

The three main goals of RILEM are:

  • to promote sustainable and safe construction, and improved performance and cost benefit for society,
  • to stimulate new directions of research and its applications, promoting excellence in construction,
  • to favour and promote cooperation at international scale by general access to advanced knowledge.


More details at: https://www.rilem.net/page/600082/introduction


Dr. Rao has also been elected as an Affiliate Member of the  Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), USA.  

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) was founded in 1948 as a multidisciplinary national society of engineers, geoscientists, building officials, and architects dedicated to advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering and reducing the impacts of earthquakes on society. The founding members came together from teaching, research, governmental regulation, and practice in engineering, and architecture with the intention to establish a research institution. These plans never came to pass. Instead, EERI functioned as a clearinghouse for research information and policymaking, with funds for research channelled to the universities. For many years, EERI remained a small, exclusive organization of scientists and engineers with an invitational membership. In 1973 EERI opened its doors to applications from all who had a serious commitment to earthquake engineering. The number of members jumped from 126 in 1973 to 721 within five years, thereby providing a vital forum for communication among a wide range of earthquake specialists. Today, EERI is the leading non-profit membership organization dedicated to understanding earthquake risk and increasing earthquake resilience in communities worldwide with thousands of members located in nearly every U.S. state and numerous countries around the world. EERI members are organized into chapters, committees, and projects that conduct volunteer activities to achieve the mission, supported by a very small administrative staff located in Oakland, California. EERI provides members with the technical knowledge, leadership and advocacy skills, collaborative networks, and multidisciplinary context to achieve earthquake resilience.